Community Asset Transfer Request
We are pleased to share our plans to submit a Stage 1 Community Asset Transfer (CAT) application for Herdmanflat woodland. To facilitate this the Steering Group is now in the process of setting up Haddington Community Woodlands, which will be a charity. This initial stage marks a pivotal moment in our efforts to acquire and safeguard this treasured green space for the benefit of the community. The CAT process offers a structured and community-led approach to securing the future of Herdmanflat Woodland as a valuable local asset, ensuring it remains a beautiful and accessible natural environment for generations to come.
By submitting a Stage 1 CAT application, we aim to demonstrate our commitment to preserving Herdmanflat Woodland and outline our vision for its future management and development. This application will be a significant milestone in our journey and will set the foundation for the subsequent stages of the CAT process.
We believe in finding a balanced and sustainable approach to land use that respects both the needs of the community and the environment. By submitting a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) request for Herdmanflat woodland, we are offering a compromise that prioritises the preservation of this cherished green space while also considering the financial implications for East Lothian Council (ELC).
Our proposal involves purchasing the woodland, which would prevent houses being built on this area of the site, thereby preserving the natural beauty and recreational benefits of the area. However, it is important to clarify that we are not against housing development on other areas of the site, but not on the woodland. To address the reduced number of housing units resulting from our proposal, we have tried to engage in constructive discussions with ELC and suggested the possibility of building additional houses in other suitable areas of the site.
This compromise approach demonstrates our commitment to finding a mutually beneficial solution that allows for responsible development while safeguarding the unique character and value of Herdmanflat woodland for the benefit of current and future generations. We believe that through collaboration and open dialogue, we can create a win-win situation that meets the housing needs of the community while preserving and enhancing our precious green spaces.
Your support and engagement are crucial in making this vision a reality. We will keep you informed about our progress, upcoming milestones, and opportunities for community involvement. Together, we can work towards preserving Herdmanflat woodland and creating a lasting legacy for our community.
ELC Statement on Planning application 30/11/2023
Following three years of detailed surveys, initial design work and a three month community consultation period, an application for planning permission in principle has been submitted for the redevelopment of the Herdmanflat Hospital site in Haddington.
The masterplan for the site was amended to take on board many points raised during the consultation, which included direct engagement with key local groups, a series of drop-in events for members of the public and an online survey.
The masterplan, on which the planning application is based, reflects and supports the identified, urgent need for more affordable housing for older people across the county. It will deliver a cutting-edge, high quality, adaptable and sustainable housing development.
It also respects the existing heritage, landscape character, green space and access arrangements of the site. The council’s aim is to create a distinctive neighbourhood with a strong sense of place and connection to the wider Haddington community and the town centre.
Key points of note include:
The council purchased the site from NHS Lothian in April 2020, with support from the Scottish Government, when the hospital’s services moved to the new East Lothian Community Hospital. The proposals include a mix of affordable new build and refurbished properties that will assist in meeting East Lothian’s growing demand.
Members of the public will be able to read and give their view on the proposals via the council’s online planning portal. Background information can also be found on a dedicated Herdmanflat web page on the council website.
Published: Thursday, 30th November 2023
August 2024
Disappointing News from the Planning Committee. Today we are deeply disappointed that the planning committee unanimously approved the housing development on the woodland to the south of the Herdmanflat hospital site. Despite the overwhelming objections from the community, it’s clear that the council has chosen to prioritise housing over preserving our precious greenspaces and supporting the needs of existing communities.
What’s particularly frustrating is how the committee completely failed to address our serious concerns about the unfairness of this application process. Not only is the council acting as both developer and planning authority—a clear conflict of interest—but the whole process felt like a fait accompli from the beginning. The so-called consultation left little room for real community input and failed to explore alternative uses for the site. Decisions like these make us question whether the voices of local people actually matter to councillors in the face of predetermined outcomes.
While it’s disheartening to see politicians willing to sacrifice the woodland without proper consideration of the community’s needs and wishes, let’s be clear: this isn’t the end.
We are working with legal advice from Environmental Rights for Communities Scotland to explore our options for challenging this decision. Additionally, we’re moving forward with our Community Asset Transfer (CAT) application to secure the woodland for the community. The fight to protect this space isn’t over, and your support will be more important than ever in the weeks and months ahead.
We stand together as a community, and we’ll keep pushing for what’s right—for our greenspaces, for our well-being, and for future generations.
Stay tuned for more updates and ways you can get involved. Together, we can still make a difference.
May 2024
The Steering Group has appointed an interim board tasked with setting up a SCIO as an eligible body to make the CAT application. The Steering Group chose the name Haddington Community Woodlands for the SCIO. The board has 10 members elected from the Steering Group.
At the moment the board is working very hard on the SCIO constitution and gathering support for our application.
Members of the Steering Group are going door to door collecting signatures of support for the CAT application. If you would like to help us or get involved as a Steering Group member, send us a message and we will get back to you.
March 2024
We are excited to invite you to an important community meeting where we will share our vision and prospective plans for Herdmanflat woodland. The community has an opportunity to apply for ownership through the Community Asset Transfer scheme. We'll share our plans for a Stage 1 application. Come along and discover the details of our proposal to acquire and manage Herdmanflat Woodland for the benefit of our community. Join us at our meeting on Saturday 30th March at 11:30 in the Trinity Centre, Church Street, Haddington.
An application for planning permission in principle has been submitted for the redevelopment of the Herdmanflat Hospital site by East Lothian Council. The plan includes the building of 73 houses in the small woodland to the south of the site. If, like us, you think that the overdevelopment of the site will destroy the green oasis that we all love then please object now. Find out how to object on HERE
Come along to our public meeting in the West Church on Saturday 16th December at 10:30 where we will explore the plans and give you more information on how to object.
We know Christmas is just around the corner but please take a few minutes to stand up for Herdmanflat and object.
As of now, there have been no recent developments or news regarding the proposed housing development by East Lothian Council. We were anticipating the submission of their planning application by this time, but it seems we need to exercise patience a little while longer.
We remain vigilant and are prepared for when the council does submit its planning application. We have a campaign strategy, ready to activate in the hope that our united efforts can save our green space. We are committed to making our voices heard loud and clear.
We continue to encourage our community to stay informed, engaged, and ready to act when the time comes. Your support and dedication are the cornerstone of our campaign, and together, we can make a difference.
PUBLIC MEETING -12th August 2pm The Trinity Centre
During the meeting, we will present compelling reasons why preserving Herdmanflat's greenspace is crucial to the local community and whether the proposed development aligns with the principles and policies of the recent National Planning Framework 4 legislation.
Please join us. We value the thoughts and aspirations of our community for this cherished space. Your input will help influence the decisions that will safeguard Herdmanflat for the future.
this is a new petition as East Lothian Council and Hub South East Scotland Ltd raised objections to the wording of our previous petition.
Answers to questions put to Neil Gibb from HSD
An address was previously provided on the paper version of the questionnaire, but the HSD team has now moved to Penston House and the revised address is:
Herdmanflat Consultation,
Housing Strategy & Development Team,
East Lothian Council,
Penston House
Macmerry Industrial Estate
EH33 1EX
Foreign language translations: We will look at publishing consultation material as HTML documents on the council’s website or more likely a link to the page on the Consultation Hub. HTML documents on the website can be translated into a wide range of languages using the Translate Me function. If this is not feasible, we will publish the documents as pdf files on the council’s Consultation Hub, as previously. Translation software, for example Google Translate can be used with pdfs and we will provide information on how such software can be accessed.
Braille translations: We have been advised that blind and visually impaired people are more likely to use screen readers than Braille. As mentioned above we will publish consultation material as HTML documents on the council’s website and these can be accessed using the Recite Me or via the Consultation Hub where they can be accessed via other screen reading software and again we will provide information on how such software can be accessed.. We will also consider providing audio versions of the documents and Braille translations on request.
Dyslexia friendly media: We will aim to publish future consultation material in a form that is easier for people with dyslexia to read, using guidance such as the dyslexia style guide provided by the British Dyslexia Association.
We will also consider how to make consultation material easier for people with learning disabilities and dementia to read.
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